You are welcome to the DLBC Germany blog site, and precisely I welcome you to this section of the blog, which focuses on Relationship and Marriage Life, I am sure, this excites you, if you are not why are you smiling as you read this?

God is a relational being – And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day….”(Gen 3:8a) and remember that “… the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his sheep by name, and leadeth them out.” (John 10:3) , therefore we know that HE always wants to be in contact with the human race – as in, I mean – Me, You, everyone of Us, as HE was always going to the Garden of Eden to have conversations with Adam.
However, in GOD´s cool of the day daily conversation with Adam, HE saw that the FEMALE part was missing in the daily conversation in the Garden, therefore God saw that “. ..It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.“ (Gen 2:18) i.e. someone who will not only be a conversational partner with Adam but a woman who will also help him accomplish the God-given assignments, then came the beginning of the marital process for Adam and the birth of the first marriage union on Earth.
Therefore, God is interested in Relationships, and HE instituted Marriage. These two are beautiful things that God wants us to enjoy in all fulness and godliness, hence this section is tailored towards Healthy Relationship and Marital Life contents, which will be published on weekly basis for your reading pleasure, spiritual nourishment, marital flourishment, and relational healthiness.
But mind you, you too, you are part of this, we want to hear from you and engage you, be free to make topic suggestions, and also don’t forget to comment and give your feedback.
Till the next publication, remain a blessing to others, and may you continue to flourish.